1. Call to order, logistics, roll call, and introductions
2. Consideration of draft September 8, 2021, meeting minutes
3. HHS update on new member appointment
5. Consideration of TMDP rules organization and format
6. Review of 25 TAC §601.2(c), digestive system treatments and procedures, §601.2(d), ear treatments and procedures, and §601.2(s) laparoscopic/thoracoscopic surgery (including robotic surgery)
7. Review of 25 TAC §601.5 disclosure and consent for radiation therapy
8.Update on FAQ reformat and adoption of amendments to Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems
9. Update on possible revisions to TMDP anesthesia consent form
10. Public comment
Items 11 & 12
11. Announcements and agenda items for next meeting 12. Adjournment