Video index
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Consideration of November 2, 2021, draft meeting minutes
3. American Rescue Plan Act update
4. House Bill 4, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021)
5.a. Statewide Transition Plan;
5.b. HCBS settings rules;
5.c. Individualized Skills and Socialization rules
6. Day Habilitation and other Covid flexibilities
7. Electronic visit verification
8. IDD-SRAC recommendations
9. IDD-SRAC subcommittee updates
11. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
Jan 27, 2022 Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Consideration of November 2, 2021, draft meeting minutes
3. American Rescue Plan Act update
4. House Bill 4, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021)
5.a. Statewide Transition Plan;
5.b. HCBS settings rules;
5.c. Individualized Skills and Socialization rules
6. Day Habilitation and other Covid flexibilities
7. Electronic visit verification
8. IDD-SRAC recommendations
9. IDD-SRAC subcommittee updates
11. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
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