Video index
1. Call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
2. Consideration of November 4, 2021, draft meeting minutes
3. Advisory Committee chair updates a. Behavioral Health Advisory Committee b. Drug Utilization Review Board c. eHealth Advisory Committee d. Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee e. Texas Council on Consumer Direction f. Value Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee
4. SMMCAC subcommittee updates 1. Clinical Oversight and Administrative Simplification 2. Complaints, Appeals, and Fair Hearings 3. Network Adequacy and Access to Care 4. Service and Care Coordination
5. Health and Human Services Commission updates a. Status on 1115 Waiver extension and transition b. Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) c. Status of Proposed In-Lieu of Services d. House Bill (HB) 4, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) update e. Managed Care plans for when COVID flexibilities expire f. Health and Human Services Coordinated Strategic Plan Status update for 2021- 2025 plan including any initiatives addressing managed care in proposed 2023- 2027 plan currently out for public comment
6. Public comment
Items 7 & 8
7. Review of action items and agenda items for future meeting
8. Adjourn and thank you
Feb 10, 2022 State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
2. Consideration of November 4, 2021, draft meeting minutes
3. Advisory Committee chair updates a. Behavioral Health Advisory Committee b. Drug Utilization Review Board c. eHealth Advisory Committee d. Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee e. Texas Council on Consumer Direction f. Value Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee
4. SMMCAC subcommittee updates 1. Clinical Oversight and Administrative Simplification 2. Complaints, Appeals, and Fair Hearings 3. Network Adequacy and Access to Care 4. Service and Care Coordination
5. Health and Human Services Commission updates a. Status on 1115 Waiver extension and transition b. Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) c. Status of Proposed In-Lieu of Services d. House Bill (HB) 4, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021) update e. Managed Care plans for when COVID flexibilities expire f. Health and Human Services Coordinated Strategic Plan Status update for 2021- 2025 plan including any initiatives addressing managed care in proposed 2023- 2027 plan currently out for public comment
6. Public comment
Items 7 & 8
7. Review of action items and agenda items for future meeting
8. Adjourn and thank you
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