Video index
1. Welcome and introductions
3. Tribute to Randell Resneder
4. Outreach events
5. Disability awareness week
2. Consideration of December 16, 2021, draft meeting minutes
6. Consumer Directed Services (CDS) utilization data presentation
7. Electronic visit verification update
8. TCCD Subcommittees updates
9. State agency representative reports
11. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
Mar 24, 2022 Council on Consumer Direction (TCCD)
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome and introductions
3. Tribute to Randell Resneder
4. Outreach events
5. Disability awareness week
2. Consideration of December 16, 2021, draft meeting minutes
6. Consumer Directed Services (CDS) utilization data presentation
7. Electronic visit verification update
8. TCCD Subcommittees updates
9. State agency representative reports
11. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
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