Video index
1. Call to order, logistics, and roll call
2. February 2, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Stakeholder comments and adoption of amendments to: a. 25 TAC §601.2(c) Digestive system treatments and procedures b. 25 TAC §601.2(d) Ear treatments and procedures c. 25 TAC §601.2(s) Laparoscopic/thoracoscopic surgery d. 25 TAC §601.2(g) Female Genital System treatments and procedures e. 25 TAC §601.7 Informed Consent for Electroconvulsive Therapy f. 25 TAC §601.8 Disclosure and Consent Form for Hysterectomy
4. 25 TAC §601.9 Disclosure and Consent Form for Anesthesia and/or Perioperative Pain Management (Analgesia)
5. 25 TAC §601.2(n) Radiology and §601.5 Disclosure and Consent for Radiation Therapy
6. Draft TMDP website FAQ regarding use of electronics when obtaining informed consent
7. Update on TMDP website FAQ regarding informed consent for electroconvulsive therapy
9. Announcements and agenda items for next meeting
May 04, 2022 Texas Medical Disclosure Panel Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, logistics, and roll call
2. February 2, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Stakeholder comments and adoption of amendments to: a. 25 TAC §601.2(c) Digestive system treatments and procedures b. 25 TAC §601.2(d) Ear treatments and procedures c. 25 TAC §601.2(s) Laparoscopic/thoracoscopic surgery d. 25 TAC §601.2(g) Female Genital System treatments and procedures e. 25 TAC §601.7 Informed Consent for Electroconvulsive Therapy f. 25 TAC §601.8 Disclosure and Consent Form for Hysterectomy
4. 25 TAC §601.9 Disclosure and Consent Form for Anesthesia and/or Perioperative Pain Management (Analgesia)
5. 25 TAC §601.2(n) Radiology and §601.5 Disclosure and Consent for Radiation Therapy
6. Draft TMDP website FAQ regarding use of electronics when obtaining informed consent
7. Update on TMDP website FAQ regarding informed consent for electroconvulsive therapy
9. Announcements and agenda items for next meeting
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