Video index
1. Welcome, introductions, and roll call
2. Consideration of February 15, 2022, draft meeting minutes
4. Presentation: Value Based Initiatives in Home Health, National Association for Home Care & Hospice
3. Walgreens Presentation: Reimagining Healthcare to create better Consumer experiences, improved health outcomes, and lowering total cost of care
5. Presentation: Addressing Health Related Social Needs through In-Lieu of Services, Center for HealthCare Strategies
6. Staff update: Medicaid value-based activities
7. Workgroup reports
8. 2022 Legislative report planning
10. Action items for staff and member follow-up
May 10, 2022 Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, introductions, and roll call
2. Consideration of February 15, 2022, draft meeting minutes
4. Presentation: Value Based Initiatives in Home Health, National Association for Home Care & Hospice
3. Walgreens Presentation: Reimagining Healthcare to create better Consumer experiences, improved health outcomes, and lowering total cost of care
5. Presentation: Addressing Health Related Social Needs through In-Lieu of Services, Center for HealthCare Strategies
6. Staff update: Medicaid value-based activities
7. Workgroup reports
8. 2022 Legislative report planning
10. Action items for staff and member follow-up
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