Video index
1. Call to order,
2. Review and approval of minutes of the December 9, 2021, Open Meeting
3. DSHS general updates
4. Discussion and possible actions on the Medical Advisory Board Guide for Determining Driver Limitation
5. Discussion, review, and recommendations of the Medical Advisory Board Medical History Form and the required component(s)
6. Updates from Process Improvement Committee
Jun 16, 2022 Medical Advisory Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order,
2. Review and approval of minutes of the December 9, 2021, Open Meeting
3. DSHS general updates
4. Discussion and possible actions on the Medical Advisory Board Guide for Determining Driver Limitation
5. Discussion, review, and recommendations of the Medical Advisory Board Medical History Form and the required component(s)
6. Updates from Process Improvement Committee
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