Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
5. Subcommittee reports
6. Review: JCAFS Dashboard [ les/documents/oct-2022-jcafs-item-6.xlsx]
2. Consideration of July 20, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Consideration of JCAFS Bylaws
4. Consideration of Officer Election Procedure and Election of JCAFS Chair and Vice-Chair
7. Discussion: Forensic Waitlist and HHSC Efforts
8. Update from State Forensic Director
9. Updates from the Health and Specialty Care System
10. Public comment
Oct 19, 2022 Joint Committee on Access and Forensic Services
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
5. Subcommittee reports
6. Review: JCAFS Dashboard [ les/documents/oct-2022-jcafs-item-6.xlsx]
2. Consideration of July 20, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Consideration of JCAFS Bylaws
4. Consideration of Officer Election Procedure and Election of JCAFS Chair and Vice-Chair
7. Discussion: Forensic Waitlist and HHSC Efforts
8. Update from State Forensic Director
9. Updates from the Health and Specialty Care System
10. Public comment
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