Video index
1. Welcome, introductions, and logistical announcements
2. Consideration of July 8, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. DSHS Newborn Screening Laboratory renovation updates
4. Screened conditions status updates
5. Future condition implementation updates (Part 1 of 2)
6. Sickle Cell Subcommittee reporting
5. Future condition implementation updates (Part 2 of 2)
7. Rare Diseases Subcommittee reporting
10. Public comment
9. Newborn Screening Preservation Account
11. Future agenda items, next meeting date, and adjournment
Oct 24, 2022 Newborn Screening Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, introductions, and logistical announcements
2. Consideration of July 8, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. DSHS Newborn Screening Laboratory renovation updates
4. Screened conditions status updates
5. Future condition implementation updates (Part 1 of 2)
6. Sickle Cell Subcommittee reporting
5. Future condition implementation updates (Part 2 of 2)
7. Rare Diseases Subcommittee reporting
10. Public comment
9. Newborn Screening Preservation Account
11. Future agenda items, next meeting date, and adjournment
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