Video index
1. Call to order, logistics, and roll call
2. Consideration of September 7, 2022, draft meeting minutes
4. New member appointments update
3. Stakeholder comments and adoption of rule amendments to 25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 601: a. 25 TAC §601.5 Disclosure and Consent Form for Radiation Therapy b. 25 TAC §601.9 Disclosure and Consent Form for Anesthesia and/or Perioperative Pain Management(Analgesia)
5. 25 TAC Chapter 601 revision project rules organization and format revisions (repeal and replace) [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-5.pdf]
6. 25 TAC §601.2(n) Radiology Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure of Specifi c Risks and Hazards--List A [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-6.pdf]
7. Discussion and review of new systems and procedures in 25 TAC §601.2 Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure ofSpecifi c Risks and Hazards--List A a. 25 TAC §601.2(i) Breast Surgery (Non-cosmetic) [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-7a.pdf] b. 25 TAC §601.2(p) Urinary treatments and procedures [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-7b.pdf]
9. Announcements and agenda items for next meeting
Dec 07, 2022 Texas Medical Disclosure Panel Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, logistics, and roll call
2. Consideration of September 7, 2022, draft meeting minutes
4. New member appointments update
3. Stakeholder comments and adoption of rule amendments to 25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 601: a. 25 TAC §601.5 Disclosure and Consent Form for Radiation Therapy b. 25 TAC §601.9 Disclosure and Consent Form for Anesthesia and/or Perioperative Pain Management(Analgesia)
5. 25 TAC Chapter 601 revision project rules organization and format revisions (repeal and replace) [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-5.pdf]
6. 25 TAC §601.2(n) Radiology Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure of Specifi c Risks and Hazards--List A [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-6.pdf]
7. Discussion and review of new systems and procedures in 25 TAC §601.2 Procedures Requiring Full Disclosure ofSpecifi c Risks and Hazards--List A a. 25 TAC §601.2(i) Breast Surgery (Non-cosmetic) [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-7a.pdf] b. 25 TAC §601.2(p) Urinary treatments and procedures [ les/documents/dec-2022-tmdp-agenda-item-7b.pdf]
9. Announcements and agenda items for next meeting
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