Video index
1. Call to order, welcome, Chair remarks, meeting logistics, and roll call
2. Consideration of February 9, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters
4. Discussion: Consideration of adding new members to the TFBHO
5. Discussion: Future meeting with border Councils of Governments
6. Final Review: Mosquito-borne Diseases Plan
7. Discussion: Subcommittee Reporting
8. Update: South Texas Binational Conference
10. Closing remarks, thank you and adjourn
Apr 12, 2023 Task Force of Border Health Officials (TFBHO)
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, welcome, Chair remarks, meeting logistics, and roll call
2. Consideration of February 9, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. Update: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters
4. Discussion: Consideration of adding new members to the TFBHO
5. Discussion: Future meeting with border Councils of Governments
6. Final Review: Mosquito-borne Diseases Plan
7. Discussion: Subcommittee Reporting
8. Update: South Texas Binational Conference
10. Closing remarks, thank you and adjourn
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