Video index
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Consideration of February 21, 2023, draft meeting minutes
4. HHSC staff update: Annual Report on Quality Measures and Value-Based Payments as required by Texas Government Code Section 536.008
5. Presentation: Cross Agency Coordination on Healthcare Strategies and Measures (5 Agency Project)
6. Presentation: All Payor Claims Database
7. 88th Legislative Session update on filed bills relevant to VBPQIAC, and value-based payment and quality improvement initiatives
8. Workgroup updates
10. Action items for staff and member follow-up
May 23, 2023 Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Consideration of February 21, 2023, draft meeting minutes
4. HHSC staff update: Annual Report on Quality Measures and Value-Based Payments as required by Texas Government Code Section 536.008
5. Presentation: Cross Agency Coordination on Healthcare Strategies and Measures (5 Agency Project)
6. Presentation: All Payor Claims Database
7. 88th Legislative Session update on filed bills relevant to VBPQIAC, and value-based payment and quality improvement initiatives
8. Workgroup updates
10. Action items for staff and member follow-up
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