Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
2. Consideration of December 06, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Update on recommendations from December 31, 2022, LTCFC report
4. Approved legislative bills related to long-term care facilities from the 88th Legislative Session (2023)
5. LTCFC subcommittee updates:
6. Nursing facility minimum reimbursement on Managed Care Organization rate setting
7. Review of Informal Dispute Resolution data
8. Council member terms
Jun 21, 2023 Long-term Care Facilities Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and opening remarks
2. Consideration of December 06, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Update on recommendations from December 31, 2022, LTCFC report
4. Approved legislative bills related to long-term care facilities from the 88th Legislative Session (2023)
5. LTCFC subcommittee updates:
6. Nursing facility minimum reimbursement on Managed Care Organization rate setting
7. Review of Informal Dispute Resolution data
8. Council member terms
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