Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and introductions
2. Consideration of October 20, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Presentation on Comprehensive Health Homes for Integrated Care (CHIC) Kids Pilot
4. Presentation on Integrated Health Homes for children with medical complexities
5. Panel discussion on issues facing families of children with complex medical needs
6. 88th Legislative Session update on filed bills relevant to PCCF
7. PCCF Committee planning discussion
9. Action items for staff and member follow-up
Jul 26, 2023 Policy Council for Children and Families
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and introductions
2. Consideration of October 20, 2022, draft meeting minutes
3. Presentation on Comprehensive Health Homes for Integrated Care (CHIC) Kids Pilot
4. Presentation on Integrated Health Homes for children with medical complexities
5. Panel discussion on issues facing families of children with complex medical needs
6. 88th Legislative Session update on filed bills relevant to PCCF
7. PCCF Committee planning discussion
9. Action items for staff and member follow-up
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