Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, introductions, and roll call
2. Consideration of April 20, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. IDD SRAC recommendations for HHSC’s 2023 annual legislative report on implementation, as required by TexasGovernment Code, Section 534.054
4. Electronic visit verification updates
5. IDD SRAC subcommittees updates
7. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
Jul 27, 2023 Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, introductions, and roll call
2. Consideration of April 20, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. IDD SRAC recommendations for HHSC’s 2023 annual legislative report on implementation, as required by TexasGovernment Code, Section 534.054
4. Electronic visit verification updates
5. IDD SRAC subcommittees updates
7. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
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