Video index
1. Call to order, welcome, introductions, roll call and opening remarks
5. GETAC stroke quarterly report
4. Liaison reports
3. Agency representative reports
6. Discussion of any action concerning items above, and topics for November 17, 2023, meeting
7. Consideration of Officer Election Procedure and Election of Vice-Chair
8. Upcoming meeting dates
Aug 11, 2023 Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (TCCVDS)
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, welcome, introductions, roll call and opening remarks
5. GETAC stroke quarterly report
4. Liaison reports
3. Agency representative reports
6. Discussion of any action concerning items above, and topics for November 17, 2023, meeting
7. Consideration of Officer Election Procedure and Election of Vice-Chair
8. Upcoming meeting dates
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