Video index
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and introductions
2. Consideration of April 17, 2023, and June 15, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. Consideration of revisions to TCCD Bylaws
4. TCCD existing subcommittee (Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement subcommittee and JointTraining and Outreach and Processes and Expansion subcommittee) goals and projects
5. TCCD subcommittee appointments
6. TCCD annual report for 2023, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 531.012 and Texas AdministrativeCode, Title 1, Part 15, Section 351.817(d)
7. Direct care centers web-based platform: Demo by the Offi ce of Disability Services Coordination
8. Development of reimbursement rate code table for Consumer Directed Services (CDS)
9. Electronic Visit Verification
10. CDS utilization
11. State agency representative reports
12. Public comment
13. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
Sep 21, 2023 Texas Council on Consumer Direction (TCCD)
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome, call to order, roll call, and introductions
2. Consideration of April 17, 2023, and June 15, 2023, draft meeting minutes
3. Consideration of revisions to TCCD Bylaws
4. TCCD existing subcommittee (Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement subcommittee and JointTraining and Outreach and Processes and Expansion subcommittee) goals and projects
5. TCCD subcommittee appointments
6. TCCD annual report for 2023, as required by Texas Government Code, Section 531.012 and Texas AdministrativeCode, Title 1, Part 15, Section 351.817(d)
7. Direct care centers web-based platform: Demo by the Offi ce of Disability Services Coordination
8. Development of reimbursement rate code table for Consumer Directed Services (CDS)
9. Electronic Visit Verification
10. CDS utilization
11. State agency representative reports
12. Public comment
13. Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
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