Video index
1. Call to order, roll call, and welcoming remarks
3. DSHS Newborn Screening Unit program updates
4. 2023 SCTF annual report status update
5. SCTF membership update
6. SCTF Bylaws Amendment review
7. Sickle cell emergency care
8. House Bill 1488 presentation
9. SCTF Subcommittee updates
12. Action items and future agenda items
Dec 01, 2023 Texas HHSC Sickle Cell Task Force
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to order, roll call, and welcoming remarks
3. DSHS Newborn Screening Unit program updates
4. 2023 SCTF annual report status update
5. SCTF membership update
6. SCTF Bylaws Amendment review
7. Sickle cell emergency care
8. House Bill 1488 presentation
9. SCTF Subcommittee updates
12. Action items and future agenda items
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