Video index
1. Welcome/Call to Order/Introduction of members and staff .
2. Consideration of October 16, 2023, draft meeting minutes.
3. Development of a subcommittee to implement committee responsibilities from Senate Bill 294 from the 88thLegislative Session, 2023.
4. Update from DSHS.
5. Future SEAC agenda topics and priorities
6. Public comment.
7. Adjournment.
Dec 08, 2023 Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Welcome/Call to Order/Introduction of members and staff .
2. Consideration of October 16, 2023, draft meeting minutes.
3. Development of a subcommittee to implement committee responsibilities from Senate Bill 294 from the 88thLegislative Session, 2023.
4. Update from DSHS.
5. Future SEAC agenda topics and priorities
6. Public comment.
7. Adjournment.
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